Past Life

We have all lived many, many lives. 

We can connect to our past lives to gain knowledge
& understanding of the present.

Past Life

You may have felt like you knew a person before or feel a very strong connection to a place or time period without understanding why. Most of us have had many lives here on earth before.

Receiving information from a past life can help you in a variety of ways.

  • It will help you to gain valuable knowledge and understanding of the dynamics
    & karma of a relationship.

  • In our current relationships you may have had past lifetimes with another. 

    This can be a romantic relationship, or with family members and friends.  As we connect to the past life we can see the patterns associated with this life and relationship.  This allows us to understand our relationship on a deeper level and look at any recurring lessons.  Once we see these patterns and these lessons we are then able to see our current relationship more clearly.  We can identify what we need to work on to heal past wounds and stop them from reoccurring.

  • We can also go into a past life to gaining confidence or look at projects we have worked before. 

    When we yearn for something or have something that are working towards in this life, chances are we have done similar things in the past.  For instance if you are drawn to being a painter, you may have had several lives that you were a painter or worked with this energy in some fashion.  When you connect to past lives in that way you can remember the feeling that you are longing to connect to in this life.  

  • You may also remember gifts and ways of seeing the world differently. 

    Another aspect of going into a past life is remembering parts of who we are.  Remembering how we use to see or do things.  Connections we had to different elements, trees, and wisdom that we gained from those lives.  

  • Healing old wounds and patterns, can be another beautiful thing we can rediscover. 

    We can see the source of those wounds or patterns and by doing this work on them or resolve them in this life. Events from our past life can cause phobias in this life or can also keep us stuck repeating patterns until we heal the past life event.

When we do past life work together, I guide you through a journey into that life.  We work with a very specific intention of what you would like to discover.  Sometimes you may be very surprised by what you see and other times you may receive validation of what you knew was true.

As I guide you through this journey you discover for yourself your past life, and I am there if you need assistance or further guidance the entire time.  

Are you ready to go through the door to your past?

The cost is $50 per session