Reiki saved my life and human design helped me to understand it.

Human Design is a manual for yourself. It validates so much you already know about yourself and it shows you where you are conditioned by others.

There is nothing I have every come across that is more accurate then human design.

Do you want to learn how to sleep correctly for you?

Would you like to make decisions that are correct for you?

Do you wonder why you feel different than everyone else?

Are you get frustrated, bitter or angry?

Human Design can help!

Human Design (HD) is based on Astrology, the I Ching, Chakras and the Kabbalah. But here is the thing you don’t have to know any of that to work with your own design. I will show you how to break it down and make it easy for you by focus on the areas that will bring you the most benefit with where you are now.

Human design helped me to understand why people react the way they do when around me. Why I felt so much resistance in my life and why it felt like nobody understood me.

I am a 1/3 emotional manifestor and human design helped me understand myself and finally stop fighting who I natural am.

Each one of us really are incredibly unique, your HD chart is rare and then on top of that you have been conditioned (we all have) to not listen to who we naturally are.

How are my HD readings different from others? I will explain things in very to easy understand terms. We will go over what makes you unique and how best to work with your own energy. I will remind you of your super powers, and why YOU are so amazing. We all have our own unique way of working in the world and your chart shows this. Together we will go over your chart, type, profile and authority. Find out how to decondition from areas that you are feeling stuck. Discover how to work with your energy correctly. Finding the best way for you to get a good night sleep.

If you are new to HD we will go over all the basics to help you have the foundation you need to understand your chart.

If HD is something you are familiar with we will dive into your questions and what stands out in your chart.

I need your birth date, place and time when you schedule an appointment.

  • 1 on 1 Chart Reading

    Would you like to book a 1 on 1 session with me to go over your chart?

    My first questions will be how much do you know your chart already and what is that you would like to know.?

    We will go over what makes you unique and how best to work with your own energy.

    I will remind you of your super powers, and why YOU are so amazing. We all have our own unique way of working in the world and your chart shows this.

    Together we will go over your chart, type, profile and authority. Find out how to decondition from areas that you are feeling stuck.

    A session lasts 1 hour. $125

  • Coming in June deconditioning membership

    Do you want to learn how to live your design? How to take all that your chart is allow it to work for you? Would you like to decoditioning all the crap you received from other and be our amazing self?
    In June we will roll out the HD membership to go through all of this and more.
    If interested please contact me and I’ll save your spot.

  • Intro to human design Online Class

    This online class we will go over the basics of HD. Your type, strategy and authority.
    Next class is June 10, 2024.

    Contact me if you would like to sign up.

  • Sacral Sessions

    For Generators & Manifesting Generators only

    One of the most amazing things about having a defined sacral is it doesn’t lie. When the sacral center is in alignment or turned on it gives you clear direction. This connection allows the words to fly out of your mouth before the mind can think.

    In a sacral session we will discuss one issue you are stuck on and are not sure what to do.

    I then go through a series of steps with you for you to connect to one or connect with your own sacral. From there we go through what your stuck on and allow the wisdom to pour out.

    This will be recorded for you to play back again if you have emotional authority. This will allow you to go through the steps on your own to make sure that they answers stay the same for your authority.

    A session can last anywhere from 10-30 minutes. $35

There is only one of you.
Would you like to gain insights into your personality and life purpose?